IDEALISM (part one)
Principle I
“Ideas rule the world- for good or ill”
Idealism is a common characteristic among all leaders- the root word for idealism is the word idea. So idealism means that a person has been captivated by an idea. History has proven over and over again that an idea is the world’s most powerful force for change.
Ideas originate in the mind and spirit of a person. They are thoughts, concepts, revelations, bursts of inspiration, insights that cause a whole new way of thinking. It is a new way of perceiving things in some area of life. It is a “burst of light” that enlightens a person. The lights are suddenly “turned on” at a point of darkness or confusion. That’s why an idea is often demonstrated graphically by a “light bulb turning on in a person’s mind.”An idea brings illumination in the individual’s mind.
This burst of illumination may be a spiritual idea, a scientific idea, a social idea, an economic idea, an educational idea, a political idea or an aesthetic idea. But regardless of the area, it is an idea whose time has come. It is an idea that will spark change... revolutionize thinking... necessitate a new paradigm ... offer a new pattern to follow... provoke social upheaval, produce new ways of doing things...transform living patterns.
Principle II
“The most powerful force in the universe
Is an idea whose time has come!”
The vision of this idea often seems like idealism to others-but it is a reality in the mind of the leader. It is an insight that forever alters his sight! It becomes the glasses, the frame of reference, the prism through which he views life. To the leader, this idea is not idealism-but realism! It so real that it has focused his life. It is the vision...the idea...the dream that has given his life both purpose and passion!
“The vision needs to be powerful and credible.”Jeffrey E. Garten, The Mind of the C.E.O., New York,
Therefore, every effective leader has been captivated by a vision…a dream…an idea. It is not that the leader has an idea – but rather that the idea has the leader! It is that which captivates him…motivates others…and oftentimes intimidates everyone else! For the Apostle Paul, his idea came through a“heavenly vision.” As a result, it changed his faith…his life…his values…his priorities…his relationships…his direction…his purpose…his destiny…his all.
He was willing to give up everything and count it “loss” in order to fulfil his new heavenly calling. Compared to it, everything else was mere “rubbish” (Phil. 3:7-8). For the rest of his life, he was captivated and motivated by this “heavenly vision.” Later in his life Paul could say: “I was not disobedient to the vision from heaven” (Acts 26:19). He did not have the vision – the vision had him! He described it this way: “…I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me” (Phil. 3:12).
On the Damascus Road, Paul did not “…take hold of Christ.” No, it was “Christ who took hold of him!” That’s always the way it is with God-size ideas. They do not originate on earth – they originate in heaven. They are not born in a moment of time – but are birthed in the eons of eternity. They are not conceived in the mind of man – but are conceived in the heart of God! Therefore, all authentic spiritual ideas come through divine revelation – not through human reason.
“The leader does not have an idea –
The idea has the leader!”
History has proven over and over again that not all ideas are equal. The fallen and darkened mind of man generally conceives of more evil ideas than edifying ideas. Because of the sinful nature of man, the majority of his ideas are manipulated by the devil…tainted by the flesh… corrupted by culture…polluted with mixed motives. The very fact that human history is “written in blood” – demonstrates that most of man’s ideas are inflated by pride…coloured by prejudice…and darkened by hate.
Every human system of government has to some degree been based on racism, tribalism, segregation, caste, apartheid, sexism, elitism. The persistence of these social and political ills demonstrate the enslaving power of negative ideas! Tragically then, both history and contemporary experience demonstrate that all of our social, cultural, political, economic and educational norms are leavened by evil ideas. What the Bible records of man before God destroyed the world by the flood seems to still be true:
“The Lord saw how great man’s wickedness on the earth had become, and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time” (Gen. 6:5).
Every leader – and especially every Christian leader – must ask God to purify and refine his ideas. He must humbly confess that every human idea is to some degree polluted by the “world, flesh and the devil” (I Jn. 2:15-16). If he is honest with himself, he knows that his heart is filled with “mixed motives.” Therefore, since the Fall of man in the Garden of Eden – every idea of man has been tainted by sin. Throughout human history, there has only been one Man who has been the incarnation of perfectly pure ideas – and that is Jesus Christ! It is only as a leader learns to think with the “mind of Christ” (1Cor. 2:16) through the Spirit and the Word – that his or her ideas will be both glorifying to God, and edifying to man!
“What is the idea that motivates your life? Is it a God-centered idea – or a
man-centered one?
· Is it an idea that will exalt your name – or His Name?
· Will your idea extend His Kingdom – or your kingdom?
· Does your vision have transforming power in it – enough to change you and
change others?
· Is it an idea that will benefit mankind – or just you?
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