"We are hoarding potentials so great they are just about unimaginable."
"Humanity has only scratched the surface of its real potential."
"You are within God. God is within you."
"Humanity has only scratched the surface of its real potential."
"You are within God. God is within you."
When was the last time you were truly inspired by someone to change your life forever, if ever? Effective spiritual leaders are able to move out from their own imagination to the inspiration of others. It is only when the imagination of the leader is transfused into the inspiration of the follower – that true leadership occurs.
Principle 1
“When the imagination of the leader is transferred
into the inspiration of others, leadership occurs.”
As long as a vision or a dream is only an ethereal imagination in the mind of the leader – nothing will happen. But when the inspired imagination of the leader becomes inspiration in the heart of the followers– sanctified leadership occurs. It is only when imagination produces inspiration – that change takes place! A leader must move the heart before he can move the head. When the inspiration that has illumined his mind and inflamed his heart results in the inspiration of others – leadership takes place. So there must be an inspirational transfer. It is when the inspired imagination that has captivated the mind of the leader–captivates the heart of the follower –that motivational inspiration takes place!It is inspiration that is transformed into the motivation that moves people from information to application.
Principle 2
“Only inspiration produces motivation
that moves people from information to application.”
This move from inspiration and information to application is one of the highest purposes of leadership. Authentic leadership takes place when true spiritual change takes place in people’s heads and hearts to the degree that there is a corresponding change in behaviour that is the result of their change in belief. So it is only when Biblical information is inflamed by spiritual inspiration that belief is translated into behaviour.
The Bible is very clear then, that the purpose of truth is not just to inform us – but to transform us! That’s why transformation of belief must result in reformation of behaviour. It is only then that we truly “…know the truth” to the degree that the“…truth has set us free” (Jn. 8:31-32). When the Bible speaks about ``knowing the truth,” it means that we know the truth by experience. The emphasis is not upon information – but rather upon application. Obviously information must precede application because people cannot apply truth that they do not know. But for transformation to occur, there must be a move from information to application – which is usually brought about only by inspiration! Then and only then doe’s authentic spiritual freedom occur.
Principle 3
“Biblical truth is not just to inform us –
but to transform us.”
Therefore,good inspirational Biblical leaders are agents of godly change in personal lives, marriages, priorities, churches, organizations, societies, and nations.
Principle 4
“Transformation occurs when inspiration results in motivation
that moves people from information to application.”
Further Leadership Insights
-What people want most from an admired leader (is) someone who can ignite the “fire in the belly” (inspire) and is willing to take risks…even if this is not a character trait of their own… (Herman Cain, Leadership is Common Sense, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1997, p. 9.)
- A person’s determination can be inspired to a higher level. Their belief in something can be inspired, their inner energy can be inspired, their faith can be inspired, their motivation can be inspired to a higher level, and so forth. Inspiration is motivation plus emotion…A leader’s ability to inspire is determined most by the ability to communicate with words and symbolic actions…(Herman Cain, Leadership is Common Sense, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1997, p. 28.)
- A leader must be able to inspire people to achieve more than they would if he/she were not the leader…winning inspires…Tangible results will always inspire but when results are sometimes slow to materialize, the critical ability to inspire in creative ways is what distinguishes “leadership” from “positionship.” (Herman Cain, Leadership is Common Sense, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1997, pp. 30-31.)
-It’s wonderful when the people believe in the leader. It’s MORE wonderful when the leader believes in the people. (John Maxwell)
- Leaders are pioneers. They are people who venture into unexplored territory. They guide us to new and often unfamiliar destinations. People who take the lead are the foot soldiers in the campaigns for change…the unique reason for having leaders – their differentiating function – is to move us forward. Leaders get us going someplace. (Kouzes and Posner, The Leadership Challenge).
- Our chief want in life is somebody who will make us do what we can. (Ralph Waldo Emerson).
- Vision is the world’s most desperate need. There are no hopeless situations; only people who think hopelessly. (Winifred Newman).
- Success is never final. Failure is never fatal. It’s courage that counts. (Winston Churchill)
- Courage is fear holding on a minute longer. (George S. Patton)
- Courage is doing what you’re afraid to do. There can be no courage unless you’re scared. (Eddie Rickenbacker).
- A good example of the kind of courage we are to exhibit can be found in the lives, and deaths of the apostles. Stephen was stoned by the Jews, as we read in Acts. Tradition tells us that James was beheaded in AD 36. So righteous was James at his final visit to the Roman judge that the man who turned him in became a Christian and was beheaded with him. Thomas was murdered by a dart while ministering in India. Simon was crucified. Mark was drawn with ropes into the fire, where he was burned to death. Bartholomew was crucified and then beheaded. Andrew also was crucified. Matthew was run through with a spear. Philip was crucified and stoned to death. James was pushed off a temple and then beaten to death. Paul gave his neck to the sword and Peter was crucified upside down. Together these men could agree with Paul, “we are of good courage, I say, and prefer to be absent from the body and be at home with the Lord.” They got their wish. (John Foxe, Foxe’s Book of Martyrs).
- The problem with most leaders today is they don’t stand for anything. Leadership implies
movement toward something, and convictions provide that direction. (Don Shula).
- Whatever you do, you need courage. Whatever course you decide upon, there is always someone to tell you, you are wrong. There are always difficulties arising which tempt you to believe that your critics are right. To map out a course of action and follow it to an end, requires some of the same courage which a soldier needs. Peace has its victories, but it takes brave men to win them. (Ralph Waldo Emerson).
-Execution requires extraordinary communication efforts…The information has to be clear and consistent, for with today’s technology everyone gets the word at the same time. It has to penetrate the barriers of different nationalities and cultures. Being a great communicator entails many traits. You need to connect with people on a number of levels, each of which summons a different skill. You have to present a dignified and authoritative persona, yet you have to be highly personal, and often informal, for even in the era of easy mass communication, any message is received only one person at a time. You have to understand complicated technical issues yet simplify the concepts for the general public. (Jeffrey E. Garten, The Mind of the C.E.O., New York, NY: Basic Books and Perseus Publishing, 2001, pp. 147-148.).
· The most important thing a leader can do to communicate is to keep the bigger picture in focus. (Jeffrey E. Garten, The Mind of the C.E.O., New York, NY: Basic Books and Perseus Publishing, 2001, p. 149.)